Build Your Fractional Brand in Eight Weeks

What I believe: The Phrase “Personal Brand” Holds Us Back
Because: You Are Not a MERCENARY in The Search for 15 Minutes of Fame

I'm worried about standing out as a fractional leader.

I’m not winning enough business as a fractional leader.

How do I attract more clients?

I’m overwhelmed about the prospect of scaling my fractional career.

Where do I go from here?

I’m not winning enough business as a fractional leader.

How do I attract more clients?

I’m overwhelmed about the prospect of scaling my fractional career.

Where do I go from here?

I'm worried about standing out as a fractional leader.


It seems like everyone in the tech sector is becoming a “Fractional Executive” nowadays. A combination of layoffs across the tech/SaaS sector since 2022 and job uncertainty among ‘C’ level roles mean people want to take control of their destiny.

For scale-ups, the fractional path offers a flexible model that’s attractive for rapidly-evolving companies that require agility and talent ‘on demand’. High-growth companies can’t afford to wait six months for an executive hire — they needed it yesterday.

Pathway to Fractional is an intensive eight-week program designed to help you fill these shoes. I equip ambitious revenue leaders with the tools they lead to transition towards a prosperous fractional career. You’ll walk away with greater confidence to build a fractional practice, execute a content plan, and pave a path that works for you.


Learn through doing. The program is light on theory and heavy on adopting practical habits that nudge you closer to your goals. Transform your fractional brand with minimum time investment.


Move from zero to use case in just two months. Program members will walk away with actionable advice that they can implement immediately. Full 100% refund guarantee if you don’t find value.


Over the last 3 years, I’ve served as a Fractional Operating Partner (FOP) for Mercia Ventures, a top 5 fund in the UK specializing in SaaS companies with revenues ranging from $2-15m. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn.

What you get

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Weekly Actions

At the end of each of the eight one-week modules, I prescribe each member a series of ‘Action Steps’ that break the theory down into practical interventions that nudge you closer towards your goals. These actions involve a small time investment but, when followed consistently, can transform your approach and mindset.

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Weekly Accountability Session

Consistency is key. Each week, you’ll be invited to a remote group accountability session to share your progress, offer support to peers, and receive feedback on the actions you’ve taken that week. Working with others to hold ourselves accountable is a proven method for reaching tricky goals.

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1:1 Support

All program members will have direct 1:1 access to Edwin and his team to ask questions and receive personalized guidance. We’re here to relieve the growing pains associated with defining a unique path and offer both practical and emotional support each step of the way.

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Peer-to-Peer Learning

Join a dynamic cohort of fellow revenue leaders as you navigate the challenges of transitioning to fractional. A problem shared is a problem halved — build confidence among your peers, share battle stories, and enrich your network as you embark on your individual journeys.

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The ultimate outcome of this eight-week program is a refreshing sense of clarity. Transitioning to fractional needn’t be as intimidating or overwhelming as it might feel today. Two months from now, you could have the confidence to carve out your own path and make confident career decisions that align with your vision.

"Edwin worked at Appirio for 4+ years and was critical to building Appirio’s European business from the ground up. Edwin drove results and built an incredible team. He hired amazing talent and groomed them to be their best. He had a positive impact on our business, careers, and lives. Ultimately this is the mark of great leadership. 

Edwin is a constant student... from some new piece of technology he wanted us to pilot to self-help programs he was pushing us to try, he was always working on himself and raising the bar for all of us."

Latané Conant
Revenue Leader | Chief Market Officer | V2MOM Enthusiast | Speaker
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My journey


Private 1:1 Coaching

Work directly with Edwin over an 8-week program.

Collaborative learning isn’t for everyone. While I enjoy the experience of working with a dynamic cohort, some people respond well to 1:1 coaching for a more tailored journey that tackles their specific challenges.

* 1:1 discovery call
* 8x private accountability sessions

* Direct line to Edwin via WhatsApp
* Personalised content based on your individual needs and objectives


A problem shared is a problem halved. Join a dynamic cohort of ambitious revenue leaders as you embark on your journey to fractional independence, together. Holding each other accountable leads to better, faster results.

* 8x weekly accountability sessions
* Ongoing 1:1 support via Slack
* Access to a dynamic cohort of peers
* Sequential program content

Private 1-on-1 Coaching

Work directly with Edwin over an 8-week program.
Collaborative learning isn’t for everyone. While I enjoy the experience of working with a dynamic cohort, some people respond well to 1:1 coaching for a more tailored journey that tackles their specific challenges.

1:1 discovery call

8x private accountability sessions

Direct line to Edwin via WhatsApp

Personalised content based on your individual needs and objectives


A problem shared is a problem halved. Join a dynamic cohort of ambitious revenue leaders as you discover the transformational power of karma, together. Holding each other accountable leads to better, faster results.

8x weekly accountability sessions

Ongoing 1:1 support via Slack

Access to a dynamic cohort of peers

Sequential program content

If you're offered a place, the initial deposit is 20% to secure your spot. The remainder is fully refundable up to week 4 if you’re dissatisfied for any reason. We do not take equity. Price excludes UK VAT.​

Early-stage teams will be coached in a group with founders of 2 similar (but non-competitive) businesses (e.g. also B2B or B2C or eCom).

What people say

Edwin is one of the best out there when it comes to advisory related to go to market / marketing in the enterprise SaaS world — both software and services.

Chris Barbin

Founder & Former CEO at Appirio

We engaged Ed to carry out a full Marketing and Sales due diligence. He not only provided us with a honest and frank review of how we are working, but also some fantastic insights and recommendations that have now been embraced by the team.

Guy Battle

CEO Social Value Portal

Edwin is a first class marketeer. While engaged with Adludio he was able to distill complex marketing needs and requirements with a clarity of thought and messaging that was invaluable to the business. His network was also accessed to help us accelerate the team building that was greatly needed.

Paul Coggins

CEO at Adludio

Edwin worked at Appirio for 4+ years and was critical to building the Appirio European business from the ground up. Edwin drove results and built an incredible team. He hired amazing talent and groomed them to be their best. He had a positive impact on our business, careers, and lives. Ultimately this is the mark of great leadership.

Latané Conant

Chief Revenue Officer at 6Sense

Edwin has been hugely helpful while supporting us with our marketing plans. He brings a wealth of direct B2B SaaS experience, theory and content that is otherwise very rare in one package. He is also an absolute pleasure to work with and I have no hesitation in recommending him as a trusted advisor.

Sam Hussain

CEO at Log my Care

Edwin has been a delight to work with and exceptionally valuable to the work we do with young companies. He has helped struggling companies to turnaround their challenged marketing strategy, as well as support growing companies to further refine their value proposition.

Alex Gwyther

Venture Capital Investor at Mercia Asset

When it comes to B2B SaaS marketing, Ed hits the sweet-spot. Clear, methodical, well thought through guidance to what can be a complex area. 
Ed would be a great part for most scale-up (if you can get into his diary).

Mike Reid

Founder & Senior Partner, Frog Capital

It was great working with Edwin on a recent pre-investment DD project. Edwin's holistic understanding of the entire commercial function for a B2B SaaS organization made him a compelling fit for this particular project, whereby the quality of his report and recommendations were of high value to us in tailoring post-investment action plans.

Adam Said, CFA

B2B Software Investor at Octopus Ventures

I had the honour to work with Ed during his time at Gett as an advisor and Interim CMO.

Matthew Elson

— exited for $150m

Ed is encyclopaedic when it comes to the latest go-to-market strategies for B2B SaaS businesses. For me, he is a go-to reference point on all things marketing. With his broad view and deep experience, Ed is able to distill complex concepts down to actionable insights.

Ed is a pleasure to work with, generous with his time and his network. He has made a real difference to businesses I am involved with. I always learn something new talking to him.

Martin Brown

Non-Executive Director

Edwin was a pleasure to work with and gave excellent go-to-market strategy insights during the due diligence of a B2B SaaS investment we made at Octopus Ventures.

Oliver Jupp

B2B Software Investor at Octopus Ventures

Ed is a first class marketing strategist who is highly regarded by everyone he works with. He is expert in ideation, design & execution of first class B2B SaaS. Highly recommended.

Pete Crosby

Executive Coach, Advisor 
& Co-Founder at Revelesco

Take Control of Your Time

'Going fractional' allows you to take control of your time and embrace the flexibility of a plural career.

From the client side, the fractional model allows organizations to adapt to an increasingly competitive market — rapidly hiring critical C-suite functions without committing to long-term, full-time positions.

So, how do you transition to fractional?

Pathway to Fractional consolidates Edwin's experience as a Fractional Operating Partner for a leading UK VC into a practical and actionable program.

Edwin was a fractional leader before the term 'fractional' even existed. He's here to share his war stories and consolidate his learnings into a proven framework that gives aspiring fractionals confidence to make a smooth transition.

What things are obvious to you now but weren’t two years ago?

What things are confusing to you now, but you want to understand better in two years?

/ who should apply /

*Current in-role revenue leaders earning over $200k

*Recently transitioned operators to fractionals earning over $150k

*Established fractionals who feel stuck about where to go next

If you're unclear about how to differentiate from the swarm of fractionals entering the market, Pathway to Fractional is for you.

Ignite Your Journey

Join Pathway to Fractional and chart your course towards independence. Gain access to a wealth of resources, mentorship, and opportunities tailored to help you thrive in the dynamic world of fractional leadership.

Don't just navigate the future of business — lead it with confidence through my comprehensive program.

Subscribe today to begin your pathway to fractional.

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/ Fractional Forge /

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does the program content cover?
2. What will I get out of the eight-week program?
3. How much does it cost?
4. What if I don’t find the program valuable?
5. Why should you trust me?